Shaky New Zealand About 14,000 earthquakes are recorded in and around New Zealand every year. Fortunately, most of them are too small for us to feel at the surface. However, many of us have felt ...
During tectonic plate movements, strain is placed on the land around us. The strained materials deform in one way or another as energy is released by earthquakes, faults and folds. These forces ...
We can blame plate tectonics for many catastrophes over time – earthquakes, volcanoes, geothermal activity, tsunamis and landslides – while people living on mountain ranges or small islands can ...
In this activity, students read the book Rangitoto by Maria Gill and Heather Arnold (ISBN 978 014 350334 7). Using the information, they write their own story of Rangitoto, from the point of view ...
Carbon moves through the Earth’s system in many different ways. The carbon cycle is a visualisation of the processes that move and store carbon between living and non-living things. In this ...
The Planet Four online citizen science project is designed to assist planetary scientists to identify and measure features on the surface of Mars that don’t exist on Earth. Help is needed to ...
This citizen science project wants your assistance to extract information from various climate scientific graphics to help combat misinformation and support scientific communication. Using this ...
About 14,000 earthquakes are recorded in and around Aotearoa New Zealand every year. Canterbury’s 7.1 and Kaikōura's 7.8 magnitude earthquakes and subsequent aftershocks show the constant threat ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Lyn Rogers and guest Aliki Weststrate from GNS Science explore some of the science involved in building our understandings of natural hazards ...
Active reading is an important activity for making meaning during the process of science inquiry (Osborne, 2010). The integration of science and literacy can enhance student learning in both ...
Many Aucklanders know that they live on an active volcanic field, but what would a future eruption be like and when might it happen? What can you do to help yourself if there was an eruption? Dr ...
Slow slips are silent earthquakes that occur below the Earth’s surface over a large area, unlike traditional earthquakes we feel that occur in a relatively small region. Before discovering slow ...
Chris Gannon and John Meyer from Robinson Seismic explain how the Ro-Glider works. Lead rubber bearings aren’t suitable for light structures, so Robinson Seismic has developed the Ro-Glider to ...
Test your knowledge of the carbon cycle – and diagrams – with this quiz. Use the carbon cycle interactive to help you answer the questions. For best results, open the interactive in a separate ...
In this interactive follow a core sample as it makes its journey from the Alpine Fault to microscopic examination. Click on the labels for more information. Select here to view the full ...
This is the slideshow that supports the Exploring natural hazards PLD webinar. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go here for the download option.