Keith Hunter is fascinated by the chemistry of the oceans and what we can learn. His research looks at trace metals in natural waters – minute amounts of metals, occurring in tiny quantities, but ...
Position: Former Research Scientist, NIWA. Currently Expedition leader Field: Atmospheric chemistry Dr Katja Riedel was a research scientist with NIWA and, at present, is based in Wellington. She ...
Position: Associate Professor (Earth sciences), University of Waikato. Field: Carbon dioxide energy and water vapour fluxes from natural and managed ecosystems; hydrology, carbon exchanges and ...
In this activity, students look at what happens when hot and cold water meet. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: discuss how temperature affects the density of water discuss ...
The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) gathers weather data throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. NIWA and its predecessors have been gathering this information for decades ...
Large snow events in most parts of New Zealand are uncommon. However, if you are in the South Island or the central North Island, this citizen science project could be a great one for your ...
Kelp forests are one of the most biodiverse habitats on Earth. Every nook and cranny is jam-packed with life! This citizen science project wants to understand more about how kelp forests grow and ...
By comparing some features of fossilised plants with the same features of plants living today, scientists hope to be able to learn more about the effect of changing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in ...
About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by water. It is found just about everywhere and is the only naturally occurring substance on Earth existing in solid, liquid and gas states. Water is ...
There are many marine classroom activities and resources on the Science Learning Hub useful for Seaweek 2015. This online PD session recorded on 19 February 2015 shows primary and secondary ...
Seaweek is New Zealand’s annual national week about the sea. It is coordinated by the Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Recreation Centre (MERC) and includes a wide range of events ...
Dr Katja Riedel of NIWA explains why she enjoys her research in Antarctica and what fascinates her about this place.
Dr Katja Riedel of NIWA explains how she became an atmospheric chemist and why she is so enthusiastic about her career.
Dr Katja Riedel of NIWA tells why she came to New Zealand to do atmospheric research in Antarctica.
Water in the Earth system is influencing all aspects of life on Earth. Pathways, storage, transfers and transformations have an effect on the global climate and human welfare. Within this ...
This timeline lets you see the historical developments in technology related to weather monitoring, measuring and forecasting. It also shows how scientific thinking changed over the centuries as ...
Access long-term temperature and precipitation datasets for 30 locations around New Zealand. Click on the labels for more information. Select here to view the full transcript and copyright ...