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  • Learn about the manufacturing process that produces 100% biodegradable serving and packaging products from potato starch.

    Potatopak (now rebranded as Earth Pack), makes potato plates at a factory in Blenheim, New Zealand. Click on the labels in the flow diagram to see the steps involved in making plates from potato starch.

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    Weight ingredientsInput ingredientsPlace in mouldCompression mouldingRemove from mouldQuality checkCuringPackaging

    Use this interactive to learn about the manufacturing process that produces 100% biodegradable serving and packaging products from potato starch.

    Potatopak (now rebranded as Earth Pack), makes potato plates at a factory in Blenheim, New Zealand. Click on the labels in the flow diagram to see the steps involved in making plates from potato starch.


    Weigh ingredients

    Potato starch, cellulose and carnuba wax are weighed and mixed with water.

    Input ingredients

    The potato starch mixture goes into the hopper, where an auger carries the mixture and keeps it moving to prevent clumps forming.

    Place in mould

    A precise amount of the potato starch mixture is dispensed into swivel containers, which tip the mixture onto a mould heated to 250°C.

    Compression moulding

    A metal plate presses the potato starch mixture into the mould. The mixture expands, like popcorn, and forms a foam-like material. Steam and excess potato starch mixture are forced out through vents in the mould.

    Remove from mould

    Robotic arms remove the plates from the moulds and deposit them on the side.

    Quality check

    The plate is checked for quality, any extrusions are removed and rough edges are sanded.


    Plates are stacked and left overnight in a curing tent to prevent warping.


    Plates are counted, shrink-wrapped, labelled and put in boxes for delivery in New Zealand and overseas.

    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Published 11 December 2008, Updated 3 March 2017 Size: 240 KB Referencing Hub media
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