Join Simone Marsters and Greta Dromgool in a session which will demonstrate what it looks like to bring resources from Pōkapū Akoranga Pūtaiao – Science Learning Hub alive in your classroom.

Join the webinar here

Ever looked at resources and thought how do I make them work for my class? You're not alone. The Hub has so many resources, some of them covering some pretty complex science, let us break down the steps we take when adapting a resource to meet the needs of our students.

Rights: Simone Marsters

He waka eke noa!

Mā te tuakana te teina e tōtika, mā te teina te tuakana e tōtika – from the older sibling the younger will be guided, from the younger sibling the older will be guided. The classroom environment is one where we are able to share and contribute to each other’s learning. We have as much to learn from our ākonga as they do from us.

During the webinar we will give examples of common primary classroom topics and how we have used Hub resources to inform and engage students. There will be opportunities for asking questions and sharing ideas throughout the session.

This session will be valuable for primary and intermediate school teachers.

Register here

During the webinar we'll be live tweeting summarised points with the hashtags #SLH_webinar #SLH_PLD on our Twitter feed.

Joining the webinar

Follow these simple steps to join our webinar:

  1. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android by clicking on the link and following the instructions. You can also access Zoom on your phone, just follow the prompts.
  2. Find the chat box located in the toolbar at the bottom of your screen. You may need to access this by clicking on ‘More’.
  3. Using the chat box, introduce yourself, where you teach and, if you are in a group, how many people are there.
  4. Set up your screen for optimal viewing. If you’re using a mobile device, you may wish to view in landscape. We recommend selecting a thumbnail view of the presenters – this way you can easily see what is being shared on the screen.

Then you can:

  1. watch, listen and respond via chat to the presentation and discussion
  2. ask questions using the chat box at any time

The Science Learning Hub team will be there to support you and answer questions during the webinar.

If you have any questions please email us.

Related content

If you've not used the Hub before, consider beginning with the article How the Hub can help – it’s full of short, helpful videos. Our webinar Science support at your fingertips gives you an overview of the site's newest capabilities.

Our Professional development for primary teachers article will help you with the various topics we have offered on the site.

The recorded webinar Science for juniors refers to our old site but is still a great place to go for inspiration.

The PLD article Junior science shares science resources written specifically for the junior school (levels 1 and 2).

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