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  • This resource contains kuputaka Māori mo āhuarangi hurihuri a hurihanga waro – reo Māori words associated with climate change and the carbon cycle.

    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

    Climate or atmospheric tohu

    Māori developed detailed knowledge of tohu that enabled them to monitor and forecast trends in the health of the taiao and taonga species.

    Explore māramatanga Māori (insights and understandings) regarding climate change in these articles:


    Glossary of kupu Māori mō te āhuarangi hurihuri a hurihanga waro

    (Māori words associated with climate change and the carbon cycle)

    āhuarangi hurihuri climate change
    ahumahi industry
    ao koiora biosphere
    hāora oxygen
    hau wind
    haurehu gas
    haurehu kati mahana greenhouse gas
    hurihanga waro carbon cycle
    kaipūtaiao scientist
    kora mātātoka fossil fuel
    mewaro methane
    moana ocean
    ngahere forest
    oneone soil
    paemahana temperature
    puia volcano
    pūtaiao science
    pūtake source
    putunga waro carbon sink
    tāone nui city
    tapuwae waro carbon footprint
    toka rock
    tūnuku transport
    waro carbon

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    Related content

    Drive it Down! – a context for learning provides pedagogical suggestions and links to the New Zealand Curriculum. It includes Drive it Down! – the carbon cycle and climate, which curates articles, media and activities covering climate change, greenhouse gases, the carbon cycle and climate action.

    Useful links

    Visit Paekupu to view te hurihanga waro in te reo Māori.

    Use GNS Science’s interactive booklet The Carbon Cycle and Climate Change to complete a crossword puzzle using some of the kupu listed in this resource.


    This resource has been adapted from resources created for the Drive it Down! Measuring and mitigating school-gate emissions project. Scientists from GNS Science alongside educators developed the project and resources with funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment through the Unlocking Curious Minds fund and Te Herenga Waka University of Wellington Doctoral Scholarship. Further funding was provided by the Royal Society Te Apārangi Catalyst Fund (2020).

    Rights: GNS Science and MBIE

    Contributors to Drive it Down!

    Scientists from GNS Science developed the Drive it Down! project and resources. Funding was through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Unlocking Curious Minds fund, Te Herenga Waka University of Wellington Doctoral Scholarship and the Royal Society Te Apārangi Catalyst Fund (2020).

      Published 25 February 2025 Referencing Hub articles
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