Estuaries have a life cycle. They form, they age as they infill with sediment and they transform to other environments, such as freshwater marshes. They are fragile habitats vulnerable to time ...
This resource provides explanations of the key terms encountered when exploring freshwater streams and rivers and native fish. This resource is intended to be used alongside other articles about ...
Kei te rauemi nei ētahi whakamārama mō ngā karangatanga matua ka kitea i a koe e tūhura ana i ngā kōawa wai māori, i ngā awa me ngā ika taketake. I whakaritea ai tēnei rauemi kia whakamahia ai i ...
In this activity, students discuss how a variety of everyday objects can serve as metaphors for the important characteristics and functions of estuaries. By the end of this activity, students ...
In this activity, students become aware of the importance of estuaries. They identify some possible impacts on estuaries and possible actions that can be taken to protect them. By the end of this ...
In this activity, students explore Māori perspectives concerning estuaries. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: explain how a Māori legend can show aspects of Māori thinking ...
This comprehensive worldwide online citizen science (OCS) project collates bird species, numbers, locations and times of sightings into a large database. You can create a class as a user and, by ...
Come and visit Aotearoa New Zealand’s underwater world in this online citizen science project. Discover, count and identify unique fish species that live within our marine reserves ...
Marine Metre Squared is a New Zealand citizen science project that supports communities to monitor their local seashore. The project has been designed to provide meaningful, valid environmental ...
In ecological terms, wetlands are ecotones – transitional habitats between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. They provide a mixture of habitats and are capable of supporting a diverse range of ...
The rocky shore is a popular topic in primary school science. Below are some Science Learning Hub resources for primary teachers related to the rocky shore in the Living World strand of the New ...
With 75% of New Zealanders living within 10 km of the coast, many students will be familiar with estuaries. In scientific terms, estuaries are the interface between the land and the sea – the ...
NIWA scientist, Andrew Swales describes what estuaries are, how New Zealand estuaries have changed over time and why they now need to be monitored.
Andrew Swales talks about the big issues concerning estuaries, such as sedimentation, and what can be done to protect them. Proper management of estuaries requires an integrated management ...
Te ao Māori (the Māori world view) recognises the connections between all living and non-living things. In this video, kairangahau Māori share some of their repo connections with us. Questions ...
Wetland ecosystems hold significant environmental and cultural value in Aotearoa. Learning about these values and the steps we can take to protect and uphold the values are suited to inquiry ...
Dr Candida Savage explains the clues she collects in estuaries and fiords, to understand how changes in land use affect these environments. Click on the labels to watch the videos for more ...
Explore this interactive diagram to learn more about life in the sea. Click on the different labels to view short video clips or images about different parts of the marine ecosystem. Select here ...