In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool from the Science Learning Hub and Sarah Morgan, Project Manager for SouthSci, South Auckland's Participatory Science Platform ...
Both science and mātauranga pūtaiao build knowledge and understanding about our world. Often, we start with curiosity about something we’ve noticed and we want to find out more. At other times ...
In this online PD session recorded on 30 July 2015, primary school teacher Angela Schipper describes how she used the Butterflies resources from the Science Learning Hub in the classroom. In ...
Citizen scientists are volunteers who participate in scientific projects. They work in partnership with scientists to answer interesting and relevant questions. When involved in environmental ...
Position: Founding trustee and Trust secretary, Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust Pūrerehua Aotearoa (formerly the Monarch Butterfly New Zealand Trust). Field: Conservation of native ...
Citizen science and the local community Rongomai Primary School is leading a Healthy Homes, Healthy Futures project. The project is part of the Participatory Science Platform (PSP) programme ...
Do you think that the space industry is limited to astronauts and billionaires? If so, you need to think again! You can have so many careers in aerospace. If you look at what most astronauts do ...
In this activity, students use different pieces of a jigsaw to work through a process of observation, discussion, collaboration and deduction to determine what the picture shows. The activity is ...
Can we make New Zealand pest-free? Lesson 5: Evaluate: So what? Urban ecosanctuary ZEALANDIA, with support from WWF New Zealand, has produced a comprehensive teaching resource supporting schools ...
This is an edited recording of the webinar Getting started with citizen science.
Dr Barbara Anderson, leader of Ahi Pepe MothNet, discusses the science protocols used in the project. One of the questions the project is trying to answer is whether vegetation restoration ...
Parents at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti discuss the value the Ahi Pepe MothNet project has added to students’ learning. Of particular value is the opportunity to engage in science with a ...
This slideshow, from the webinar Getting started with citizen science, provides additional support for the video tutorial. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen ...
Discover a range of scientific approaches – select a label for videos and more information to support your understanding.
Select here for the best view of this interactive timeline. It combines the Rongomai School healthy homes investigation with the nature of science.