Researcher Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman says that the wet, boggy places you see along the Waikato River as you drive north of Huntly towards the Bombay Hills may look like barren landscapes ...
Six Waikato River islands were returned to Waikato-Tainui through the 2010 Waikato River Settlement. Researcher Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman (working for Waikato Raupatu River Trust) focuses on ...
The Waikato River is very important to Waikato-Tainui because the history of the people is interconnected with the river. Awa and iwi Lorraine Dixon talks about the relationship between the river ...
In this activity, students consider short-term and long-term responses to an environmental disaster such as the Rena. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: describe what might ...
In this activity, students can test their knowledge of freshwater fish online or in a paper-based quiz. The quiz can be used as an introductory tool to gauge students’ prior knowledge, as a ...
In this activity, students discuss how a variety of everyday objects can serve as metaphors for the important characteristics and functions of estuaries. By the end of this activity, students ...
Come and visit Aotearoa New Zealand’s underwater world in this online citizen science project. Discover, count and identify unique fish species that live within our marine reserves ...
This New Zealand-based citizen science project collects data about butterflies in our gardens, schools, parks and farms – any location in the country or on the outer islands. This annual event – ...
FrogID is an Australian app that uses audio of frogs’ unique calls to identify various species and their locations. We can use it in Aotearoa New Zealand to record the location of introduced ...
With 75% of New Zealanders living within 10 km of the coast, many students will be familiar with estuaries. In scientific terms, estuaries are the interface between the land and the sea – the ...
It is necessary for teachers to adapt activities that are externally sourced and created by others to optimise their students’ opportunities for learning science. Activities are productive when ...
The Science Learning Hub has a selection of resources that have been translated into te reo Māori and a number of resources that feature both te reo Māori and English. Our webinar Opportunities ...
Researcher Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman explains why wetlands are important for the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River. She likens wetlands to the function of kidneys in the body – a ...
Researcher and project manager Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman describes some of the projects taking place in Whangamarino Wetland. Scholarship students have been given the opportunity to work ...
Researcher Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman explains why some plants are considered pest plants within the Waikato River catchment. These plants invade the catchment area and often compete with ...
This interactive looks at some of the measures you can take to look after your local stream – because if you’re looking after your local stream, you’re looking after our endangered native fish ...
Meet some of our New Zealand native freshwater fish and learn more about them and their preferred habitats. Click on the name of the fish or group of fish to learn more.
Learn how farms can keep waterways healthy for those downstream and for our precious native freshwater fish, all while benefiting farm health and the farming operation’s bottom line.