An inquiry approach is a method often used in science education. The question bank provides an initial list of questions about rockets and places where their answers can be found.
The article Investigating rockets – introduction has links to further resources and student activities.
Q. How big are rockets?
Q. What is space?
Q. What are the parts of a rocket?
Q. What is a rocket pushing against?
Q. How do gravity and drag affect motion?
Q. How can a rocket be made to go higher?
- Effervescent canister rockets
- Water bottle rockets
- Rocket launch challenge
- Investigating rocket motion
Q. What do the nose cone and fins do?
Q. How does the mass of a rocket affect its motion?
Q. How do rockets cope with extreme heat?
- NZ’s first space launch
- Materials for hypersonic vehicles
- Developing ceramics for hypersonic vehicles
- Hypersonic vehicles
Q. Is it good to invest in rockets and space research?
- New Zealand’s place in space
- Rocket Lab launches into space industry
- ‘What if?’ science
- Brief history of rockets - timeline
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