Easy care sheep, developed by AgResearch, have been selectively bred to be more productive and less labour-intensive for farmers. Our collection of resources on this reveals more about these ...
Easy care sheep developed by AgResearch were produced using selective breeding. Find out more about selective breeding and why scientists use this method to breed the easy care traits. Rights: M ...
New Zealand sheep farming has been heavily influenced by fluctuations in demand and returns for meat and wool. Discover what other factors have contributed to this industry since the first sheep ...
Students use a three-level reading guide strategy to locate, interpret and apply the information to consider the role of research in finding easy care sheep traits. Purpose Students engage with ...
Students consider the harms and benefits (consequences) of easy care sheep breeding. Purpose Students use a round robin activity and PMI worksheets to generate ideas about the effect of selective ...
In this activity, students measure the pH of soil collected from a paddock. This will be used to estimate the amount of agricultural lime needed to promote good grass growth. By the end of this ...
Earthworms are useful indicators of soil health. This project aims to capture information on earthworm abundance and species distribution throughout New Zealand. Information provided will be used ...
Students investigate silage production and test a stream to see if run-off from silage is polluting it. Students then produce a pamphlet of their findings to educate the community. Purpose To ...
This case study was based on a biotechnology unit that focused on investigating silage and the possible effects of run-off on a small rural stream. This case study explores why this was an ...
Games have long been used for developing both skills and knowledge in the education sector. As digital technologies continue to develop, the range of digital learning games also continues to ...
When dags form on a sheep’s backside, it makes them susceptible to flystrike, which occurs when blowflies lay maggots in their fleece. Dr David Scobie describes the problem flystrike causes and ...
Easy care sheep have been developed using selective breeding. Here, Dr David Scobie of AgResearch compares this traditional breeding method with the more modern cloning and genetic modification ...
The heritability of a trait is determined by how much of it is inherited from the parents and how much is created by the environment. Dr David Scobie explains how heritable some traits are, some ...
An interactive showing the main components of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle. Select one of the buttons to find out more. Go here to view the full transcript and copyright information.
In this interactive Miel Meyer explains some of the processes for managing cheese quality in making traditional Gouda cheese. Click on the labels to watch the videos and for more information ...
About 45 different attributes are assessed at various stages of developing a new apple cultivar at Plant & Food Research. Click on the labels in this interactive to learn about some of these ...