We all get sick from time to time. Wintertime, in particular, brings with it colds and flus. Rights: Image licensed through 123rf.com Sick child We all get sick from time to time and don’t feel ...
Dr Joanna Kirman and her team at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research in Wellington investigate infectious diseases. Their goal is to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases in Aotearoa ...
We can’t see them. We can’t hear them or feel them, but they are with us. There are 10 trillion (10 x 1,000,000,000,000 or a million million) cells in the average body. For every cell, we have 10 ...
In this activity, students learn about the contents of a cell. They explore some of the main organelles within a cell using the analogy of a school, an online interactive and/or by making ...
In this activity, students are introduced to the immune system. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: explain in simple terms what the immune system is list some of the names ...
In this activity, students model how a virus spreads through a group. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: explain how viruses are spread practise behaviours that limit the ...
Help this global project to develop a faster test for antibiotic resistance by looking inside bacteria that have been treated with antibiotics. This will improve healthcare for patients with ...
In this online citizen science (OCS) project, participants analyse electron microscope images taken of a range of biological samples, helping scientists better understand cancer, infectious ...
Myrtle rust is a serious biosecurity threat, and help is needed to monitor its spread. This citizen science project aims to gather information on the location, hosts and intensity of this fungal ...
Our bodies have a defence system against pathogens that make us sick. This defence system is made up of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect us. It is known as the immune ...
We all get sick from time to time, especially over the winter months. The classroom, in particular, seems to be a breeding ground for coughs, colds and flu. How do we get sick? Why do a number of ...
Winter is coming!! And so are coughs, colds and other nasty lurgies. What is going on in our bodies? How do we get sick? How do our bodies fight these bugs? In this online PD session recorded on ...
Dr Joanna Kirman leads a team at the Malaghan Institute investigating a new vaccine for tuberculosis (TB). The current vaccine doesn’t work so well so the team’s aim is to develop a vaccine that ...
Dr Joanna Kirman leads a team at the Malaghan Institute investigating rotavirus. Rotavirus is a common but nasty disease that affects young children. The problem is that there are many different ...
Dr Joanna Kirman leads a team at the Malaghan Institute investigating respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is a common but nasty lung infection. The aim of the research is to understand why New ...
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This interactive explains the different cells, microorganisms and molecules involved in the human immune system.
This interactive is a simple version of the human immune response to two different pathogens.