The haukāinga (local residents) of the Rotorua area – Te Arawa, Tūhourangi and Ngāti Wāhiao – have lived in this highly active geothermal region for generations. The unique geology of the area ...
Riley and Steve Hathaway want to change the way young people think and act towards the ocean. Their vision is to “Inspire kids to enjoy and care for the world’s oceans”. Rights: The University of ...
New Zealand has been inhabited by humans only relatively recently but, in the last 800 years, we have made a big impact on our environment, and have altered it biologically, chemically and ...
In this activity, students use the Ake Ake model to explore changes that have taken place in their local environment in the last 50–100 years and to plan for the next 50 years. By the end of this ...
Navigating our freshwater environment is an interactive storymap that explores the state of rivers, lakes and wetlands – in a novel and engaging way. The storymap considers what’s going on from ...
In this activity, students explore ethical issues related to farming and environmental pollution. They learn about the science involved and the range of perspectives among stakeholders. By the ...
Be part of a worldwide movement and use Global Earth Challenge to submit or classify photos to help our planet’s environment and human health. Global Earth Challenge is a citizen science campaign ...
This citizen science project wants your assistance to extract information from various climate scientific graphics to help combat misinformation and support scientific communication. Using this ...
Litter is everywhere – but how much is there, and why does it matter? Litterati is an online citizen science (OCS) project that allows participants to photograph, upload and tag litter in their ...
Seaweek is New Zealand’s annual national week about the sea. It is coordinated by the Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Recreation Centre (MERC) and includes a wide range of events ...
Below are links to Science Learning Hub resources for primary teachers related to recycling and biodegradability in the Material World strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. Recycling and ...
Teacher Dianne Christenson incorporated the online citizen science (OCS) project The Plastic Tide as part of a year 2–4 unit on sustainability. Here, she reflects on what she and her students ...
The Ake Ake model is a pictorial mapping of someone’s perspective. Researcher Lorraine Dixon uses the model to encourage iwi to share their views including values and possible issues around ...
Researcher Lorraine Dixon describes what a cultural indicator is and why they are important to Māori. The depletion of taonga species, for example, is an indicator recognised by Māori that ...
Rotorua is world famous for its geothermal features. For generations, local Māori used the hot pools with little impact on the natural system. As Rotorua’s population grew, unsustainable amounts ...
Sea stars have many weird and wonderful adaptations including both sexual and asexual reproduction. Click on any of the labels in this interactive to view short video clips or images to learn ...
Sea stars have many weird and wonderful adaptations – including some unusual internal systems. Click on any of the labels in this interactive to view short video clips or images to learn more ...
This interactive looks at some of the measures you can take to look after your local stream – because if you’re looking after your local stream, you’re looking after our endangered native fish ...