Fruits have many adaptations so that their seeds can be carried away by animals, wind, water, exploding seed pods and humans.
Image acknowledgements: Kererū feeding on karaka berry, Geoff de Lisle; Dandelion, Daniel Blunt, CC BY 2.0; Kuta, Barry O’Brien, nō roto mai i Te Reo o Te Repo – The Voice of the Wetland; Harakeke, Roger Culos, CC BY-SA 3.0; Kahikatea, Catherine Beard, CC BY-NC 4.0, sourced from iNaturalistNZ; Kauri, Mikey Marley CC BY-NC 4.0, sourced from iNaturalistNZ; Coconut, kerdkanno/123RF Ltd; Gorse, Dr Craig Sixtus.