Introduced pests impact New Zealand’s biodiversity. This image shows a possum and ship rat raiding a nest.
Can we make New Zealand pest-free? Lesson 2 and 3: Investigate: What is present? Urban ecosanctuary ZEALANDIA, with support from WWF New Zealand, has produced a comprehensive teaching resource ...
Biological control or biocontrol is the use of one organism to control the numbers of another. Unwanted or introduced species can have a huge impact on Aotearoa New Zealand’s environment, and ...
The New Zealand Government has a vision of becoming predator-free by 2050. The Department of Conservation (DOC) and other organisations are working together to realise this vision for New ...
Aotearoa New Zealand faces a wicked problem – do we kill introduced pests or do we allow them to kill our native animals, damage our forests and endanger our primary industries? While most New ...
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